Serving NYC, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx

May 20, 2024 07:32 am
Home Cleaning Guide

Once a case of head lice is confirmed in a family, the first step is to find an effective treatment to eradicate the lice and prevent it from spreading. The next important step is a home cleanup. A lice infestation is on the head, not in the home, so there is no need to have your home deep cleaned. Lice can only live off the human host for up to 48 hours.

The following cleaning recommendations should be followed the day head lice is confirmed and treatment has been initiated.

1. Laundry

Items do not need to be washed; they only need to be put in dryer for 30-40 minutes

on high heat. (Make priority piles.)

Special stuffed animals, blankets, or other cloth items they sleep with

• Bed linens, pillows, comforters, blankets, pillow shams

• Backpacks, jackets, scarves

• Any clothes worn or towels used in the last 48 hours

*Anything that cannot withstand the hot dryer cycle or be vacuumed needs to be bagged for 48 hours.

2. Vacuum

Vacuum common areas:

• Carpets, rugs, cloth sofas and chairs (use damp cloth for leather)

• Cloth car seats & safety seats (or lint roll)

• Any large pillows that can’t go in the dryer

• Lice have claws, not sticky feet and don’t get around very easily. They crawl quickly but cannot travel long distances.

3. Freeze

Do not boil anything, put anything in the dishwasher, or clean with hot, soapy water – it will not kill lice! Instead, anything that can be put in the freezer should be in a baggie and kept there for 2 days.

• Hairbrushes, ties, scrunches

• Helmets, hats



How do people get head lice? Lice are almost always spread through direct, head-to-head contact. Less commonly, they can be spread by sharing brushes, combs, hats, scarves and hoodies. Only adult bugs can spread from one head to the other. Eggs cannot transmit once attached to the hair shaft.


Can lice live in my home? No, head lice are human parasites that cannot live off the human

head for more than 24-48 hours.


Who can get head lice? Anyone can get head lice. A case of head lice has nothing to do with

personal hygiene, your home environment, ethnicity or age.


Can my pets get lice? No. Lice are human parasites. They cannot live on animals of any kind.


How is head lice detected? You may be able to see lice or nits (eggs) by parting the child’s hair into small sections. They will most commonly be found behind the ears and near the neckline. Nits are small, teardrop-shaped eggs that are white to yellow in color. Nits are usually found within 1⁄4 inch of the hair shaft.

Lice and eggs are often confused with dandruff or debris. Dandruff/debris will not be stuck to the hair and will move if you brush it with your finger or blow on it lightly. Nits are essentially ‘glued’ to the hair shaft and will not move without being pulled with some force with your fingernail.

Nymphs (baby lice) and adult lice are very small, move quickly, and avoid light so they can be more difficult to detect.

Can head lice be prevented? The best way to prevent head lice is for your child to avoid head-to-head contact during play, sleepovers or other activities at home and school. Wearing hair in tight buns and braids is helpful for girls. Lice have an acute sense of smell. Spritzing hair with a preventive spray scented with mint, tea tree or rosemary each morning is a good deterrent.

If one of my children has lice, will other family members have it also? Head lice is very contagious. It's recommended that all household members be checked if you suspect someone in your home has lice. About 80% of mothers whose children have lice are also positive.

Do lice shampoos get rid of lice? Over the counter lice shampoos are no longer effective at killing lice. Research shows 98% of lice have mutated to become resistant to the most commonly used over-the-counter lice treatments (Journal of Medical Entomology, 2016). Shampoos also have no effect on eggs/nits. When using over-the-counter or prescription treatments, each egg must be removed manually, or they will go on to hatch and the cycle will continue.

Lice Removal in New York

We serve all of New York City including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx

Clinic Hours: Monday - Saturday: 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM | Sunday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

All hair must be dry and clean (not oily) and tangle-free. There is a cost associated with not complying if we have to rigorously comb your hair or wash it at our clinic.

All household members must be screened and treated by Lice Mamas for the 30-day guarantee to apply.

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